Assume a mass casualty type situation. Something along the lines of AR-558 with physical wounds ranging from phaser and disruptor hits, to concussions, broken bones, and the like.

Each Chief would be from roughly halfway through the run of their series with whatever knowledge and experience they had at that point. Each would have access to whatever kind of portable medical kit a medical officer of their time would have brought for such a situation. There are no able bodied personnel to help. No they don’t have access to a transporter.

      26 days ago

      Yeah, now that people mention it I do think the VISOR would help quite a bit. Early on in TNG he even says he can detect if humans are lying from the minute physical changes (although the writers clearly drop that later, see his record at poker). Clearly that should be able to pick up all sorts of problems like internal temperature fluctuations and heart rate and in fact it does [The Enemy, TNG]. But what we don’t see is Geordi ever fixing those things on a humanoid on screen. So he might be better than O’Brien, but I still think B’Elanna has the edge overall. Even if my logic is iffy (and it is: she fixes the Doctor so she knows about doctoring? Eh) on screen other characters acknowledge her medical skills. Including the Doctor, who gives her genetic re-sequencing idea serious consideration before she reprograms him. Would she be a better medic than even Tom Paris, who has a lot of practice but clearly doesn’t like the work? I doubt it, but I’d probably take her in a life or death situation over the other engineers based solely on the primary sources.

        26 days ago

        Early on in TNG he even says he can detect if humans are lying from the minute physical changes (although the writers clearly drop that later

        We can’t have TOO many reasons to get rid of Troi…